Wednesday, August 14, 2013

How to create a facebook account

How to create a facebook account

1.First Go to for sign up.
Fill the  form and Click on "sign up" button.(See the screen-shot bellow)

  • First Name- Enter Your First Name.
  • Last Name-Enter Your last name.
  • Your Email- Enter your E-mail Address(Conformation code/link send to this e-mail).
  • Re-enter Email-Enter your Email Again.(THat is to check your typing mistakes)
  • New Password-Enter a new password for Your Facebook account.(To make your password  use numbers,letters,symbols,etc..(like: #isbeth.45@new) .And Make sure that your password is easier remember  for future logins.)
  • I-am-Select your grander from the box.
  • Birthday-Enter your birthday (You can hide your birthday from your friends by changing fb settings).
  • Then click on  "Sign Up" button.
  • After that you can see the  Next step. In this step you can  add your friends from other networks(Gmail,yahoo,skype,etc...)
(Eg: you can connect  to your gmail Account and send emails to your friends for invite )
  • If you don't need click "Skip this"button.
  • Step 2- Then Fill your information to make your profile. (on this step you can find your friends  easier. (facebook show some friends suggestions list after that step.That Friend  list get by your provid information  (same school/samework places, etc..). 
  • Then Click on "Save and Continue" button.
  • If you think skip simply  click "Skip This" button.
  • Then  Upload your sweet, lovely,beautiful,hansom ,pretty  photo to your facebook profile.Click   "upload a photo" button and select some picture from your computer.And Click "Upload" button.
  • Now you are complete  99%. Check your E-mail and click on the link that can conform your new facebook account.(send to you from faebook to your providing email)
Now you Create your Facebook profile Successfully.

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