Tuesday, August 13, 2013

how to Simple Home Made Chocolates

how to make Simple Home Made Chocolates


Home made chocolates2

Christmas is around the corner and the fever has set already. I find a lot of cute decorative goods and trees sold at my street end. Thats the advantage of living close to the market which gets so festive every season :)

I love Christmas irrespective of being a Hindu. Its so much fun and frolic. Sharing baked goods, decorating the house and the tree, passing on gifts, playing chris-mom and chris-child game, hanging a star in front of the house and so on. Its so joyful to be a part of it. I have been celebrating Christmas equally grand from childhood. So this year since I have got my hands over the kitchen, I am surely going to try some interesting recipes :) Keep watching!!! :)

The first of the Christmas treats is simple home made chocolates :)

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Cocoa powder - 1/4 cup
Milk powder - 200gms
Sugar - 1 cup
water - 1/2 cup
Butter - 1/4 cup
Vanilla essence - 1/2 tsp
Nuts and raisins

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Take water and sugar in a saucepan and allow it to boil until it reaches 1 string consistency. Remove from fire and add butter to it. Once it melts down, add the milk powder, cocoa powder and vanilla essence. Mix really well until everything blends. Allow it to cool down for few minutes.

Grease your hands slightly with butter. Pinch small portions of the chocolate and roll them into balls.

Refrigerate for a while and wrap them in colored papers or arrange them in gift boxes :)

This quantity would make around 35 small chocolate balls. Anyways it depends on the size and shape you make.

Happy making. Enjoy eating :)

Home made chocolates


You can also roll a ball, press it flat and place raisins, almond or pistachio in the center and roll it again to make nutty chocolates.

Roll balls of chocolate and screw in a tooth pic or skewer to make lolly pops :)

Roll chocolate balls and dip them in almond powder and coat it well.

Make chocolate balls and roll them on cocoa powder or sugar powder.

Or simply pour the chocolate mixture on a greased plate and cut them into squares. :)

Home made chocolates1

Sending this post to Kid's delight - Chocolate feast

and also sending it to Chocolate Extravaganza - Monthly Mingle hosted by Ria.

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